
Hello! I am Katherine Therese Marie E. Mariñas. I am currently taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Techology with Specialization in Web and Mobile Applications at FEU Institute of Technology. I am into UI/UX design and website development. I have worked in several projects by layouting interfaces and coding the front-end of a website.

I have knowledge in design principles which keeps me focused on the goal of having a website that is pleasing to the eyes of a user and providing the user a great user experience. I also keep an eye on the functionalities of the website if every thing works properly. When I was studying in senior high school, I became interested in website development and learned about the basics HTML and CSS. Then later, I took up Human Computer Interface in college and became interested in UI/UX because of the principles of Ben Shneiderman.

Whenever I have free time, I am studying and reading about the trending technologies and practices needed in website development and especially in UI/UX design.

Technology Stack


Email: katherinemrns@gmail.com
Phone number: 09089349316
Connect with me at LinkedIn
Github: Kathorsiii

What They Say About Me

I've been working with Katherine or Kath since she started in College and chose to take part in our organization as a Junior Officer. At first, she has shown willingness to learn and explore where she can contribute and grow at the same time. She has initiative and often shares her ideas which shows how bright she is. Within her first year in college, she became a committee in one of the committee groups I handled for a big inter-school event. She's a very quick learner and passionate. She's very open in taking recommendations, advice, and criticism about her work. A year after and she's been a core member of organizations and even become a leader of an internationally-known student club. I am very proud that someone whom I lead before went that far with flying colors. A good follower indeed becomes a good leader. I believe she will be good in whatever she does and will give her very best. Read More
Honey Arriola
Associate Game Producer at Rutabaga Studio
I have worked with Ms. Katherine for several events now, and I can say that she is an active student leader and easy to work with. I highly recommend her for being a good leader and her creativity.
Jose Mari Dalugdug
Former Colleague at IPSUM PH